
Updated Privacy Policy and Consent

We have updated our privacy policy to include GDPR provisions. This includes information on how to request that your personal information be deleted from our systems. In addition, anyone submitting reviews using our solution on our clients’ sites must now actively provide their consent that their name and email address can be shared with LouderVoice.

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New features help you to connect better with your customers using reviews

Sometimes it’s the simple features which provide the most value and that’s definitely the case with two of our most recent updates. Extra Questions Clients now have the ability to ask up to 5 extra optional questions from reviewers. This is not intended as a replacement for questionnaires or surveys but is more for extra context. For example, some of our hotel clients use it to ask for the room number.

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Generating Trust Thousands of Miles Away in Cairo with LouderVoice Reviews

The first thing I do when I land on a site I haven’t used before is to check their reviews. Good or bad, I want to see that it is a company which values feedback and is actively providing services or products. We were really excited recently to sign-up Floradoor in Cairo as our first African client. This high-end florist delivers flowers locally for a global customer base and it has been a joy to read their reviews.

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French restaurant delights with live LouderVoice customer reviews on iPad

We always strongly encourage our clients to request reviews using every channel available to them, particularly if the bulk of their business is not online. This can be done using receipts, invoices, compliment slips, phone calls or, in the case of our latest restaurant client in France, using an iPad! This is simply a superb idea by l’Auberge des Trois Pucelles near Grenoble and our partners Thierry André FOUCHER and WSI Belledonne Digital Strategies.

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LouderVoice SEO Add-On Now Available for Expression Engine

Many of our clients on PHP platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal have long benefited from our SEO Add-On. All of our Packages provide Google Juice and Star Ratings in Search results to client sites via our review Hub, LouderYou. The advantage of this approach is ease of deployment. Our code can be added in seconds to a web-page and reviews are then live. Those reviews are indexed on our hub within hours.

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LouderVoice joins forces with US Leaders in Social Solutions for Food Services Industry

We are more than a little pleased to announce this. American + Ireland Social Media Leaders Join Forces FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: San Jose, CA; Austin, TX; and Cork, Ireland: July 3, 2012 – Three Social Media leaders have come together to offer a compelling solution for restaurants and foodservice companies, beginning in the US. FohBoh.com of San Jose, CA, LouderVoice Reviews of Cork, Ireland, and Restaurant Domain of Austin, TX, can now provide a complete online Social solution to the food industry.

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The hospitality industry is embracing customer reviews with LouderVoice

We were very interested to see an MSNBC article on how hotels are embracing online customer reviews. It matches our own experience, as our reviewing solutions are proving a major hit with businesses in the hospitality and travel sectors everywhere. We have seen a string of deployments in UK, Ireland, France and the US in recent months. As part of this growth, we’re delighted to announce that we have have just gone live with the Dalata Group’s 11 Maldron and 14 partner hotels in Ireland.

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LouderVoice and WSI team-up to Power Social Media and Social Reviews for UK SMEs

LouderVoice and WSI have been working together globally since early 2011. We have now joined forces to offer a compelling Social solution for SMEs in the UK. Online marketing is an ever-moving target and it can be hard for SMEs to feel on top of everything. To solve this, WSI’s offerings and LouderVoice’s Social Reviews are now available as an off-the-shelf solution that is optimised for the UK. Every business can have their online presence live and social-powered with almost no effort.

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LouderVoice Reviews SEO Add-On for ASP.NET just released

One of the most common requests we get from partners and customers is to have the same reviews SEO functionality on ASP.NET as they do for PHP and WordPress sites. And we’re delighted to say that this is now available. All of our Packages provide Google Juice and Star Ratings in Search results to client sites via our review Hub, LouderYou. The advantage of this approach is ease of deployment. Our code can be added in seconds to a web-page and reviews are then live.

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Word of Mouth Still Most Trusted Resource Says Nielsen

Nielsen’s latest Global Trust in Advertising report, which surveyed more than 28,000 Internet respondents in 56 countries, shows that 92% of people trust recommendations from friends and family, followed closely by 70% trusting online reviews. Here are the highlight stats. Read the great piece about it over on Social Commerce Today. We’ve been in the reviews business for quite a few years so we’re not remotely surprised by this data.

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